Solar battery purchase principle

1: According to your needs, calculate the required battery capacity and quantity.

2: The principle
of safe choice For safety reasons, you should choose a certain brand of battery manufacturers, select a technical force and good service distribution agents.

3: the principle of cost-effective selection According to the quality of the product, some battery life is only 2 years, some battery life is as long as 10 years, to compare and select the best battery for the user.

Battery Capacity Calculation The
battery capacity must be the capacity provided to the load at a given voltage for a given amount of time. The battery with deep discharge function, the unit of measurement of its electricity is generally Ah, it shows that the current value can be provided in the unit time (usually 20 hours) - (20 hours) rate capacity.

How to determine the capacity of a battery based on the luminaire used is a simple method of multiplying its power by the usage time between each charge interval of the battery. The result is expressed in watt hours. Dividing the watt hour by its rated voltage converts the watt hour to Ah. In this case, the battery will be drained, and the ideal state for general battery discharge is 50%, which should be taken into consideration to select the battery. The greater the battery power (Ah), the stronger the power supply capacity and the less likely the battery is over-discharged.

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