The following is the spot price of LME three-month aluminum on August 16 (unit: US dollar) Spot/3 months c16.3/14.3 05 September - 3 months c8.5/6.5 October 30-3 Month c3.3/1.3 3 months -05 December b2.5/b5.5 3 months -06 January 8.5 8.5/b13.5 3 months -06 February b19.5/24.5 3 Months -March - 06b31.0/36.0 3 Months - April - April b42.5/47.5 3 Months - May - May - b52.0/57.0 3 Months - June - June b61.5 /67.5 3 months - July 06 b70.0/75.0 Remarks: b = discounted c = premium